Eye opening drill + Par 3 data

I've been working hard on this drill Mark walked me through in our next Road to 180 episode and I've been hitting some new tops speeds! It might help you as well 🤔

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If you're curious... Here's my tracking sheet with my speed sessions. I broke through a new ball speed record last night and only 1mph away from the goal!

Big thanks to the folks at Rapsodo who helped make this video with Mark happen!


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You'll improve your practice and have more info about your game.

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Mark and I used the MLM2PRO throughout this whole series of videos and it provided great data.

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🏆 US AM Content from TPI:

TPI released some great content with the US Am champion earlier this year. Recommend a watch / read.

  • José Ballister generates exceptional club speed through lots of lag, similar to Sergio Garcia. That might have something to do with his coach... who is Sergio Garcia's dad.
  • He has impressive lower body power but relies more on efficiency than raw force. He achieves "easy power" by maximizing torque over a greater distance.

For more insights, check out the full analysis here.

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3️⃣ You've Been Playing Par 3s All Wrong...

Guest article from Coach Will Robins. He has a great video to go along with this as well. Make sure to check out The Scoring Method.

Par 3 holes are both a blessing and a curse for a lot of us.

They seem deceptively simple—a single shot to the green, a putt or two, and you’re off to the next hole.

Yet, the reality is often far from that...

Understanding the Reality of Par 3s

To kick things off, let’s get real about expectations versus reality.

Many golfers step up to a Par 3 with the mindset that they should be hitting the green every time and getting their ball close to the hole.

This belief often leads to high-risk shots and, ultimately, frustration. But what do the stats actually say?

PGA Tour players, the best in the world, play Par 3s over par.

On average, they score 3.03 on Par 3s for the season, and for holes ranging between 150 and 200 yards, the average score is 3.07.

These players are hitting 9-irons or 7-irons, while the rest of us might be reaching for a 5-hybrid or 6-iron.

Expectations vs. Reality for Different Handicaps

When we look at amateur golfers, the numbers are even more eye-opening.

For a 20 handicap golfer:

  • Green in Regulation: Only 17% of the time.
  • Proximity to the Hole: The average distance is around 100 feet.

For a 10 handicap golfer:

  • Green in Regulation: About 30% of the time.
  • Proximity to the Hole: The average distance is 66 feet.

These stats reveal a crucial insight: the expectation to hit the green most of the time is unrealistic.

Lowering your expectations can significantly reduce pressure, leading to better swings and ultimately, better scores.

Dispersion Patterns: Embrace the Misses

“Golf isn’t about how good you hit it; it’s about how good you miss it,”

Understanding your shot dispersion can transform your strategy on Par 3s. Picture a shotgun’s spread pattern—some shots go left, some right.

Your goal should be to aim where your worst misses won’t land you in trouble.

Consider this scenario: You’re standing on a 170-yard Par 3 with water on the left and a bunker behind the green.

Instead of aiming directly at the flag, identify a safe quadrant—perhaps the back-right corner—that offers the least risk.

By doing this, even a poor shot that veers off course will still land you in a playable area.

Strategic Steps for Par 3 Success

Here’s a three-step approach to revolutionize your Par 3 play:

  1. Identify No-Go Zones: Before even thinking about the yardage, pinpoint the areas you absolutely cannot go. Avoid hazards like water or deep bunkers at all costs.
  2. Laser to the Safe Zone: After identifying the safe quadrant, laser the distance to this target. Aim for this spot, ensuring that even your worst miss will keep you out of trouble.
  3. Adjust Your Expectations: Remember the stats. A 20 handicap should hit the green only 17% of the time. Aim to keep the ball in play, avoid hazards, and give yourself a chance to get up and down for a bogey or even a par. Lower expectations reduce pressure and lead to more confident swings.

The journey to mastering Par 3s starts with a shift in mindset.

By embracing realistic expectations, understanding dispersion patterns, and focusing on strategic targets, you can lower your scores and enjoy the game more.

Remember, golf is about minimizing big mistakes, not hitting perfect shots every time.

“The reason why you're not shooting lower scores is because you haven't been taught how to score. It's not because you don't have the talent; it's because you've never worked on the technique of scoring.”

Till next time,


✍️ Written By: Cordie Walker.

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